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Surrey, United Kingdom

Tuesday 29 December 2009

Diana Mosley by Anne de Courcy

What a wonderfully compelling and interesting biography this is! I suppose you could argue that writing the biography of someone with such a colourful life would be an easy job, but there are many things that make Anne de Courcy's book so wonderful. It is clear that she got much of her material from first-hand sources - she cites conversations with Diana and many of her contemporaries and the whole book reads like a deliciously scandalous novel. Diana's personality shines out of the pages - charismatic, charming, single-minded, determined, witty and vivacious. What impressed me was that even the questionnable aspects of her personality seemed, if not excusable then at least acceptable as part of the whole package. Her devotion to Sir Oswald Mosley in the face of such persecution is strangely admirable. The overall feeling I get is that while it would be easy to dismiss Diana as a traitor, fascist and selfish aristocrat it is only by reading her story that you come to realise that her life choices came at a high cost, which she accepted without complaint.

I have read several of Anne de Courcy's books - The Viceroy's Daughters, Debs at War and 1939: The Last Season and have thoroughly enjoyed and would highly recommend all of them. Her style is fluid and simple, but obviously thoroughly researched and her passion for each of her subjects shines through.

Currently Reading:
The Art of Love by Elizabeth Edmondson (I will admit I am struggling with this, but am halfway through and determined to see it through to the end)
The Shrimp and the Anemone by L P Hartley (I remember reading excerpts of this at school but have never read this or any other Hartley until now!)

1 comment:

  1. The book sounds interesting. I love the Mitfords. They are definitely a very fascinating family!
